Murex Managed Services

Murex Managed Services

Murex managed services provide specialized capital markets solutions.

Murex managed services provide specialized capital markets solutions.

Capital markets technological advancements are continuous. Systems are increasingly complex. Financial institutions must act fast and cultivate expertise to manage leading technology platforms and maintain their competitive edge.
Success hinges on proactive investments in advanced technology to streamline operations and sharpen decision-making. Substantial technological developments are anticipated in the coming years. Companies that strategically invest in innovative capital market technologies are better positioned to navigate the landscape and seize growth opportunities.
Murex provides specialized managed services tailored to the unique needs of your MX.3 platform. Our expert teams and robust systems monitor, maintain and evolve your operations efficiently, allowing you to concentrate on running your business.
Experience the leading capabilities of MX.3, with countless innovations in each new release.


Murex SaaS

Murex SaaS

Future-proof your trading and risk platform and access the latest technology and regulatory updates with Murex SaaS. Murex experts manage your MX.3 platform and production operations for uninterrupted operations, peak performance and risk mitigation, all at a reduced total cost of ownership. Focus on your strategic priorities and gain peace of mind, as we support and evolve the tools for your success.

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Murex BPaaS

Murex BPaaS

Navigate smoothly and efficiently through your XVA journey with Murex BPaaS (business process as a service). A fully managed service born in the cloud offering an end-to-end XVA solution. It delivers flexibility and scalability without the burden of managing extensive hardware. Enjoy seamless continuous innovations, native integration with MX.3, scalable computation, and improved performance while ensuring regulatory compliance.



Stay ahead of the curve with MXevolve.
Murex’s DevOps managed services optimize your preproduction chain for faster time to market and cost efficiency.
• Access frequent, high-quality upgrades easily with Murex upgrade as a service.
• Automate resource deployment and testing via our Continuous Integration managed service.
Combine both services and take advantage of MXevolve’s full potential to future-proof your business: Streamline innovation, mitigate cybersecurity risks and avoid IT obsolescence.

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