MX.3 for banks

MX.3 for CCPs

Ninety-five percent of worldwide cleared IR Swaps are processed on MX.3.

Ninety-five percent of worldwide cleared IR Swaps are processed on MX.3.

The world’s largest swap clearer relies on MX.3 for its OTC clearing business. This is testimony to the platform’s high performance, scalability and robustness. CCPs trust MX.3 to manage their clearing business processes to build competitive services in today's fast-changing industry.

MX.3 delivers a wide range of margin calculation methods across clearable products.

MX.3 anticipates cross-margining practices, delivering a wide range of margin calculation methods across clearable products.

MX.3 exception-based workflows maximize the automation of the entire clearing chain, from connectivity to SEFs onward to real-time margin calculation and trade acceptance, margin and collateral management, and down to settlement and accounting.

The platform is fully scalable for higher volumes and offers easy onboarding of additional clients.

Case studies