Take Murex to the cloud

Scale, amplify MX.3 benefits with the cloud

Financial institutions have entered a digital race. To win this race, they must leverage technology and deliver new value to customers. Murex helps capital markets players to scale and amplify MX.3 platform benefits with the power of the cloud.

Automate, accelerate
and scale with MX.3

There are many benefits to gain by running MX.3 installations on the cloud. Successful financial institutions adopt an approach that progressively delivers changes for transformative results. Having the right software solution to harness the cloud capabilities is key to facilitate this transformation.

Murex’s cloud journey, started back in 2017, has been delivering value incrementally, making the leverage of IaaS easier and more and more attractive for MX.3.
For more details, download our brochure.



We are commited.

Murex certified and supports MX.3 running with AWS and Microsoft Azure.

Production, Disaster Recovery, Development and Tests installations have each specific infrastructure requirements.



You are not alone.

Murex Systems Integrators Partners have upskilled teams worldwide with the MX.3 and cloud mix.

Murex has established very close relationships with cloud vendors.



You are unique.

Select your preferred deployment model: on-premises, IaaS, SaaS, or a hybrid.

Adjust the cloud sizing as frequently as needed.

Business coverage

Business coverage

You benefit from wide depth and scope.

100 percent of MX.3 functional coverage is available on the cloud.


Accenture has been helping Murex clients transform their front, middle and back office operations and risk management functions, including collateral management and treasury operations, for more than 20 years. Our future-ready solutions include system transformation, DevOps enablers and cloud.

Business activities are more and more demanding on the infrastructure with the introduction of ever more complex regulations and derivatives.

Compliance with regulations requiring computation of risk over hundreds of scenarios and time points. Large transformation programs mobilize teams that must collaborate efficiently and where each configuration builder needs its own MX.3 installation to create and test configuration.

Learn how MX.3 manages complex derivatives, such as autocallables.

Build once, deploy multiple times.



Using infrastructure as code enables to spin up very easily a new MX.3 development or test installation.

Boost productivity

Boost productivity

The combination of speed (new environments are delivered in minutes) and simplicity (click of a button) increases efficiency.



Each developer can have its own MX.3 environment to build and test new configurations.



Outsourcing the infrastructure allows to focus more on business value.

In this video, NTT Data team members Patricia Badia and Hugo T. Benedet explain the main benefits of migrating MX.3 to the cloud and how NTT Data could ease this process for all clients.


The last years have been exceptional. Capital markets coped with record trading volatility and volumes. The MX.3 platform is designed with built-in scalability and managed the rise in transaction volume and the need to compute risk measures in a timely manner. Running a scalable platform on an easily scalable infrastructure is key.

Hear how MSFT is supporting Financial Services customers adopting cloud solutions and specifically how we support a Murex to Cloud journey.

MX.3 can now provision the necessary infrastructure just in time and release it once the job is finished.

Horizontal and vertical

Horizontal and vertical

MX.3 delivers horizontal and vertical scalability.



Monitor continuously and dynamically adjust the cloud sizing to achieve targeted performance.

Grid computing

Grid computing

Computations necessary for pricing analytics or risk are natively distributed across a grid.

Read about DBS usage of hybrid grid computing with MX.3 and learn more about MX.3 analytics.



Cloud scalability offers to get all MX.3 development and tests installations required during project times and to minimize the number of MX.3 instances during BAU periods.

For on-premises infrastructure, clients must be able to precisely assess actual costs without omitting anything—even though there might be many facilities, services and technical layers shared across the entire enterprise, posing challenges.

On the cloud infrastructure, it is much simpler: every item required to run MX.3 has its own unit price and the total cost of ownership of infrastructure becomes highly transparent and explainable.

Moving MX.3 to the cloud would be a real benefit for your business and operations. Discover how DXC Luxoft can support your migration journey by reducing costs, risk and disruption, while increasing speed, security and flexibility.

  Real-time monitoring

Each cloud resource used to run MX.3 installations can be tracked with granularity due to tools provided by the cloud vendor. One can follow actual consumption in real-time.

  Reality checking

Estimating potentially future hardware needs has too often meant playing it safe. With cloud, you adjust as frequently as needed thanks to the data collected of the actual usage.

  Control and optimize TCO

For MX.3 development and test installations, a flexible pay-as-you-go model of the cloud provides quick savings because such workloads are used only part time.

For BCP/Disaster Recovery, the compute power must be able to be ramp up at any time—there is no reason to rent it outside test and disaster circumstances.

Certain workloads such as pricing on grid or enterprise market risk calculations are typically run once a day or on demand. Why pay for resources when they are idle? MX.3 scalability combined with the cloud elasticity bring solutions to this equation from a cost perspective in addition to the opportunity to more quickly finish those computations.

A new implementation of MX.3 may begin directly on the cloud and progressively leverage additional cloud features. Existing implementations of MX.3 adopt a phased approach assisted by Murex System Integrators who have rich experience in such projects.

   Explore and proof of concept.

   Migrate development and test.

   Migrate production.

Elenjical Solutions testimonial on the real-life benefits from the Momentum Metropolitan Holdings’ Cloud Migration.

In this video, learn more about this longstanding relationship between AWS and Murex, that spans the complete spectrum of Murex offerings including enabling customers to run MX.3 within their own AWS environment to partnering with Murex to enable and launch MX.3 SaaS on AWS.


About Murex

Murex provides enterprise-wide, cross-asset financial technology solutions. Its MX.3 platform is engineered to meet evolving challenges. It supports trading, treasury, risk and post-trade operations to help clients meet regulatory requirements and to manage risk and IT costs. Murex has more than 60,000 daily users in over 65 countries. Murex supports diverse financial services clients, from banking and asset management to commodities and energy. Murex has over 3,000 team members across 18 locations who provide cutting-edge technology, superior customer service and unique product innovation.

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Murex delivers smart technology to capital markets. Learn more in an introductory video.